Dr. Uday Homkar
Providing training to nursery staff of research and extension nurseries of Madhya Pradesh regarding nursery techniques of selected species (one training program in each R&E circle).
Providing post support to nursery field staff for helping them in plant preparation in their nursery.
APCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki) M.P. Bhopal
Dr. Uday Homkar
To assess the floral combination of forest area of Madan Mahal Hills.
To prepare a checklist of the faunal diversity of the area.
To prepare plants for plantation in suggested areas.
To suggest the appropriate plantation technique to NNJ for plantation in encroachment cleaned areas
Municipal Corporation (Smart City) Jabalpur
Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
मृदा परीक्षण सुविधाओं को रोपणी तक पहुँचाना एवं रोपणी मृदा में उपलब्ध पोषक तत्वों का परीक्षण करना।
मृदा एवं केंचुआ खाद में उपस्थित तत्वों के बारे में जानकारी मृदा स्वास्थ कार्ड के माध्यम से उपलब्ध कराना।
रोपणी की मृदा परीक्षण के उपरांत मृदा में उपलब्ध पोषक तत्वों के आधार पर खाद की मात्रा के बारे में सुझाव देना।
APCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki) MP, Bhopal
April 2021
Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
Monitoring and Evaluation of FDAs.
Project Impact Assessment
Feb. 2022
Dr. S.K Masih
Estimation of population density, production potential and livelihood generation capabilities of MAPs
NMPB, New Delhi
Dec. 2021
Dr. Jyoti Singh
Ecological study and preparation of inventory of commercially important wild Medicinal plants potentially rich in forest ecosystem.
Status assessment of commercially important wild medicinal plants in the study site
Determination of sustainable harvesting limit (SHL) of commercially important MAPs and NTFPs with active community participation.
PCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki)MP Bhopal
Feb. 2022
Dr. Jyoti Singh
To assess the phytosociological structure of river bank flora
To assess the spatial diversity of phytoplankton community of river and its correlation with the physico-chemical parameters of the water body.
To study the physicochemical characterization of river water to assess pollution level.
PCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki)MP Bhopal
Feb 2022
Dr. Archana Sharma
रूट ट्रेनर में उच्च गुणवत्ता के पौध तैयारी करना।
रोपणी में तैयार पौधों में होने वाली बीमारीयों का निदान।
नर्सरी प्रबंधन।
PCCF (R/E, Lok Vaniki), M.P. Bhopal
March 2022
Dr Aniruddha Majumder
To create a cadre of master trainers on advanced wildlife population monitoring techniques who can further transfer their knowledge to frontline forest staff of their respective forest divisions/PAs
To train all frontline forest staff of tiger bearing beats of this state.
Principal Chief Conservator of Forest Wildlife (M.P.)
January 2022
Dr. Anjana Rajput
To Monitor tiger, co- predators, prey and their habitats in protected areas and as well as in all over the state.
To strengthen/ improve the facilities and services for monitoring and data interpretation.
To create a database based on individual stripe pattern and movement area of tiger which will support monitoring the individual tiger and to deal with Wildlife crime.
PCCF (Wildlife) Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal
April 2021
Dr. Anjana Rajput
Study the population distribution, movement and migrating pattern, habitat, nesting and breeding sites of Gharial (Gavelia gangeticus), Ganges Rivers Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) and Crocodile (Muggar) effecting by the proposed project by Chambal River.
Asses the Ecological flow, ambient water flow requirements and Physico-chemical properties in reference to Gharial, Dolphin and Crocodile.
Predict and identify the impact of proposed project on the river ecology, existing flora and fauna and their habitat at the stage of execution, operation and maintenance phases.
Recommend the mitigation measure and monitoring plan, based on finding of the study.
MP Urban Development Company Ltd., Bhopal
Dec. 2021