Ecological studies on grasslands of Bandhawgarh tiger reserve with special reference to wildlife management.
Dr. Jyoti Singh
- Structural and functional studies of grasslands
- Identify the governing factors for deterioration of grasslands.
- Suggest methods for sustainable management of existing grasslands with reference to wildlife management.
PCCF (Wildlife) Madhya Pradesh Forest Department
Aug. 2018
Standardization of the population estimation techniques of blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus) using Pellet Group Count Method in Van Vihar National Park
Dr. Mayank Makrand Verma
- To estimate population of Nilgai using different population estimation techniques in Van Vihar National Park.
- To estimate defecation rate of Nilgai in enclosure.
- To compare the efficacy of pellet count method (indirect) and distance based line transect method (direct) with complete count method.
PCCF (Wildlife)
Madhya Pradesh Forest Department
Oct. 2018
Ex-situ conservation of medicinally important wild tuberous/ rhizomatic plants and studies on their phenology and growth performance
Dr. Uday Homkar
MPMFD (R&E and Lok Vaniki) M.P. Bhopal
वनों एवं वन रोपणीयों में लगने वाली कीट व्याधियाॅ एवं उनके निदान पर किये गये कार्यो का सरल भाषा में संकलन: मध्य प्रदेष के संदर्भ में।
Dr. Uday Homkar
MPMFD (R&E and Lok Vaniki) M.P. Bhopal